Myeik Archipelago


The Myeik Archipelago (English: Mergui Archipelago or Myeik Archipelago) is part of the Tanintharyi Region, located in the southern tip of Myanmar. It is made up of over 800 islands of various sizes. It is located in the Andaman Sea off the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. It is sometimes called the Papua Isla

If you want to go to Myeik Archipelago, you can take a plane from Yangon to Myeik. You have to take a boat trip to the archipelago. There are many beautiful islands.

At present, due to illness and political situation, very few tourists are invited to come one day

Missing fishing nets, abbreviated to ALDFG; Ecosystems are beginning to wreak havoc on 87 sites in the Myeik Archipelago. These include coral reefs; It falls on underwater rocks and kills marine life. May cause extinction of coral reefs


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