
 Ngapali Beach is a recreational beach located 7 km (4 miles) from Thandwe. The coastline is 3 km (2 miles) long and faces the Indian Ocean.

 Ngapali Beach

 Many hotels built along the beach; It is also one of the main tourist attractions in Myanmar with its resorts and golf courses. The main communication route is by air, with access to Thandwe Airport (formerly Sandoway Airport). Mandalay Yangon Airlines and Air Bagan are operating flights to Thandwe.

Ngapali Beach Camp used to be a small village. The name Ngapali was changed in 1826. The Italians, who arrived after the First Anglo-Burmese War, resembled Ngapali in the dialect of the Rakhine people because of their resemblance to a beach in the Italian city of Napoli. It is called Naples in Italian because it is so beautiful and the scenery is so beautiful.

 After the visit of President Thein Sein in 2014, Ngapali was separated from Thandwe Township as a separate township from Ngapali Township.

 Ngapali Tourism dates back to the colonial era. It is still one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Previously, there was only one state-owned Ngapali Hotel. Many private hotels have sprung up since 2008.


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